Monday, March 21, 2011

GOP Reaction at the Throttle

8) Harding was the perfect cover for enterprising industrialists. McKinley-style order returned heavily at the end of the war.

9) The new Old Guard was pushing for the government to actually help businesses to achieve corporation status.

10) The Old Guard achieved it's goals by placing in the courts loyal members to their laissez faire ideals.

11) Harding appointed 4 of the 9 Supreme Court justices. His selection of justices allowed his policies to extend into the 1930's because these justices were mentally guided by ideologies similar to that of Harding.

12) Ex-president Taft became chief justice.

13) The Supreme Court successfully assaulted the Progressive legislation by taking away child labor laws, worker rights, and enforcing laissez faire oriented laws.

14) The Supreme Court overturned women's laws with the following logic: because they can now vote and have equal legal status, they should have equal status in laws regarding the workplace.

15) Trusts were basically ignored/allowed to grow under Harding. Laws against these trusts were basically disregarded by trusts and government officials alike.

16) Self-regulation of companies was Hoover's policy because he firmly believed competition would punish those that did not.

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