Wednesday, March 2, 2011

16th Amendment
The 16th Amendment allowed the federal government the right to collect an income tax from its citizens as it pleased, although it did start out only as a modest thing. Wislon actively contributed to its legitimacy as he continued his ascendency over the triple wall of priviledge

17th Amendment

The 17th Amendment changed senator election from being private to a pulic matter. This was done as a result of evidence of foul play unearthed by the muckrakers and remained a goal of progressives until it was achieved.

18th Amendment

The 18th Amendment was the prohibition of alcohol. the main driving force behind this change was the activism of women in the public eye, sponsored by the WCTU and the Anti-Saloon league.

19th Amendment

The 19th Amendment finally gave women the right to vote in 1920. By agency of the themselves and progressives in general (with the idea that women would bring some morality to politics), the change occurred.

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