Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mr. Money Machine

It may not be well known, but one of the only reasons for a real American success in combat was due to the support given by the French. Secret stores of shells and shot traded hands between the colonists and these Frenchmen. These supplies were absolutely vital to the survival of Washington's army and their effectiveness in less-formal combat. I must also add that due to Benjamin's efforts as the American delegate, the colonies were able to rack in the Benjamins. Ha, ha.. get it?


  1. Oh, Benjamin Franklin...if it wasn't for his French affairs (and I mean that literally in some cases ;) ), who knows what might have happened to the colonies? I have to say I was a little disappointed with your posts though...not once did you use barbascuous! Oh well...other than that, I thought your post was rather amusing and informative.

  2. Nice post. Without Washington's leadership, who would lead us? Benedict Arnold? His leadership was outstanding even in the worst conditions.

  3. I get your joke, I chuckled. Good post, I didn't know Washington was so young when they elected him as head of the army!

  4. Nice post man. This is a good study tool for the test. I enjoyed the tone of sarcasism that came through.

  5. I guess I comment here. Anyway this was a pretty indepth post and told a lot of things i may or may not have known

  6. An excellent retelling of the story of the American Army- for lack of a better word :)- and the struggles to get it ready to win the war! Kudos to George Washington and Ben Franklin! And to Brent, for finishing with a clever joke!

  7. Ben Franklin looks funny in the pic. And like Matthew, I am disappointed that the word "barbascuous" did not appear. This is a great recap of the chapter!

  8. George Washington was 23? He did NOT look that young in the John Adams documentary. :) Anyway, I really enjoyed reading this post... I'm glad that our army had improved since then. Thanks for posting! And nice joke :)

  9. haha i laugh every time i see that picture of ben franklin... it's great. but yeah nice post and thanks for all of the information ;)

  10. ...I don't get it. :(
    Just kidding, of course! Dang, that John Adams movie made Washington seem a lot older than 23! Also, I enjoyed your sass. It was like you were talking directly to the British.

  11. Brent made a funny.

    The post is really good, it has a lot of useful info on it and is a really awesome reference and review tool. Good job.

  12. haha oh Brent, you and your attempts at joke... I agree with Nick. 23? No way Washington was 23. Inconceivable!!!!!!!!! However, your attempts at humor made a giggle. Congratulations. Quite resourceful and humorous. Nicely done
